What is a Facebook Like?
I may have items I use and love on this page. If you take action (I.e. make a purchase) after clicking one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some coffee money ☕️ (at no additional cost to you). See our terms for more info.
What does it mean to Like something and who sees it?
Liking a post, photo or video is much different than “Liking” a Business Page on Facebook. In this tutorial I’ll explain how the same word on Facebook can actually mean two different things.
Businesses have ‘Pages’ and People have ‘Profiles’
When you see a post in your News Feed, you have the ability to interact in three ways: Like, Comment or Share.
Liking a post is a great way to quickly acknowledge a post. Hovering over or clicking on the number of likes will show you who all have also liked that post.
When you ‘like’ a public post, your ‘like’ will be published into the News Feed of all your friends.
Liking a business page
When you visit a business page, you have the option to ‘Like’ the page by clicking the Like button found on their cover photo.
Once you have “Liked” their page, you can click on the little arrow to customize your interaction with them.
Clicking “Get Notifications” will give you a notification every time this Business page makes a status update.
Add to Interest Lists…allows you to group Businesses in Interest Groups where you can quickly view these pages by Interest.
Unlike – When you “Unlike” a Business page you are basically unfollowing their updates and will no longer receive any of their updates in your News Feed.
Keep in mind, all Business Pages are public, so your likes, comments, and posts to their wall will be visible to all of your friends.
Just Getting Started on Facebook?

About the Author
Audrey Ostoyic has been guiding Seniors and Baby Boomers through the intricacies of social media since 2013. With a passion for technology and a talent for teaching, Audrey simplifies new and often overwhelming digital worlds into easy, understandable steps. Her expertise helps users connect with friends and family effortlessly, without the usual frustration that technology can bring.