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  1. The keyboard shown in your photo of the training room of the Armed Forces Retirement Home is EXACTLY what we are looking for. Can you tell me anything about it, e.g., how to get one, who makes it, etc?

    1. Audrey Ostoyic says:

      Hi Joanie,
      Dad said that these are the keyboards they have in that training room…(Click on the link and it will take you right to it on Amazon) Yellow with black letters –
      White with black letters –
      He said that they love them and the students are able to see the keys. It’s called EZSee by DC – It’s for the Visually Impaired Individuals, Low Vision, or Low Light for Seniors and People with Bad Vision!
      Hope that helps and you’re able to get exactly what you need. 🙂
      Be Blessed,

  2. Dianne Phillips says:

    I have macular degeneration (dry) and I love my black keyboard on my MacBook Air. Please make some for iMac owners! The white keys glare and I need contrast in order to see the keys themselves.

    1. Audrey Ostoyic says:

      Thank you so much, Dianne, for the great feedback. I did some more research and actually found a very well-liked keyboard that is compatible with the Apple computers like iMac, Macbook Pro, and Macbook Air. It actually has a black background and you can choose from 7 different backlit colors that will light up the letters/numbers on the keyboard.
      I actually added it to the list of keyboards so others can view it if they have an Apple product. Thank you again for your feedback and helping me add to this list of the best large print keyboards.
      Be Blessed,